Selective Publications check also my ORCID 0000-0001-6778-4610
- “Embracing Decline in Digital Scholarship beyond Sustainability”, The Bloomsbury Handbook to the Digital Humanities, James O' Sullivan (ed), Bloomsbury 2023, pp.317-324 DOI:
- Anna-Maria Sichani, James Baker, Alice Eldridge, Ben Roberts, Suzanne Tatham, Amelia Wakeford, Jo Walton , Sharon Webb and SHL team, “How to Avoid Being a DH Lab: The Stories of the Sussex Humanities Lab”, Digital Humanities Laboratories: Digital Humanities and Laboratories Perspectives on Knowledge, Infrastructure and Culture, Editors: Urszula Pawlicka-Deger and Christopher Thomson , Routledge (Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities Series), 2023 , pp. 67-86
- “Introducing the Digital Humanities: Genealogies, Histories and perspectives”, Digital Humanities in Greece: experiences and perspectives,|“Συστήνοντας τα Digital Humanities: γενεαλογίες, ιστορίες και προοπτικές”, Ψηφιακές Ανθρωπιστικές Επιστήμες στην Ελλάδα: προβληματισμοί και προκλήσεις, Research Center of the Humanities publications, 2023 DOI: (in Greek)
- Ginestra Ferraro, Anna-Maria Sichani, “Design as Part of the Plan: Introducing Agile Methodology in Digital Editing Projects” in Digital Scholarly Editions as Interfaces, edited by Roman Bleier, Martina Bürgermeister, Helmut W. Klug, Frederike Neuber, Gerlinde Schneider, Norderstedt: Books on Demand, 2018, pp.83-105
Edited volumes
- Anna-Maria Sichani, Michael Donnay (eds), Reframing failure in Digital Humanities, University of London Press, (forthcoming 2024)
- Anna-Maria Sichani, Eirini Goudarouli, Jane Winters (eds), Digital Cultural Heritage: The Past, Present and Future or Digital Cultural Heritage, University of London Press, (forthcoming 2024)
- Advances in Digital Scholarly Editing. Papers presented at the DiXiT conferences in The Hague, Cologne, and Antwerp, Edited by Peter Boot, Anna Cappellotto, Wout Dillen, Franz Fischer, Aodhán Kelly, Andreas Mertgens, Anna-Maria Sichani, Elena Spadini & Dirk van Hulle | 2017 , Sidestone Press. ISBN: 9789088904837
Edited Special Journal Issues
- Anna-Maria Sichani, Spadini E. (eds), “Tools and Environments for Digital Scholarly Editing (special issue) , RIDE: A review journal for digital editions and resources, Issue 15 , December 2022.
- Anna-Maria Sichani, Elena Spadini (eds.), Tools and Environments for Scholarly Digital Editing (special issue), RIDE: A review journal for digital editions and resources , Issue 11, January 2020
- Dimitris Antoniou, Kostis Kornetis, Anna-Maria Sichani and Katerina Stefatos (eds), “Special Section on the Colonels’ Dictatorship and Its Afterlives”, Journal of Modern Greek Studies, 35: 2, October 2017
Reports/White Papers
- Anna-Maria SIchani, Jörg Lehmann,A Position Paper on AI and copyright in cultural heritage and research, (forthcoming 2024)
- Rutherford, A., Sichani, A.-M., Foxton, K., & Perry, S. (2024). Ethics as Practice: Report on the 1st Discovery Project Ethics Workshop. Towards a National Collection. </li>
- Anna-Maria Sichani, Ruth Ahnert, James Baker, Dave Beaven, Arianna Ciula, Steve Crouch, David De Roure, Pieter Francois, James Hetherington, Neil Jeffries, Barbara McGillivray, Melissa Terras, Charlotte Tupman, Mark Turner, Marion Weinzierl, Jane Winters, Martin Wynne, James Smithies. (2023). iDAH Research Software Engineering (RSE) Steering Group Working Paper (v.0.2). Zenodo.
- Shoaib Sufi, Emily Bell, & Anna-Maria Sichani. (2023). Report on the AHRC Digital/ Software Requirements Survey 2021: Where is Investment Needed? (1.0). Zenodo.
Peer-reviewed articles
- Sichani Anna-Maria, Jane Winters, ῾The role of Digital Humanities in an interdisciplinary research project᾽, Science Museum Journal, 2022, DOI:
- Sichani A.-M., Hendy , D., "Connected Histories of the BBC: Opening up the BBC oral history archive to the digital domain" , Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), Volume 15, Issue 1, February 2022, p 1–16 DOI:
- “The multiple lives of the Cavafy Archive. Microfilms, index cards, catalogues and Web: towards a material and archival history of The Cavafy Archive". Historica, 73, 2021, p.187-210 |“Οι πολλαπλές ζωές του Αρχείου Καβάφη. Μικροφίλμ, δελτία, κατάλογοι και διαδίκτυο: πρός μια υλική και αρχειακή ιστορία του Αρχείου Καβάφη”, Τα ιστορικά, 73, 2021, p.187-210 (in Greek)
- “Documentary reproduction and storage technologies for textual assets and historical research in postwar Greece”, Mnimon, 38, 2021, p. 203-226 |“Τα τεχνικά μέσα”: Τεχνολογίες αναπαραγωγής & αποθήκευσης κειμενικών τεκμηρίων και ιστορικοφιλολογική έρευνα στη μεταπολεμική και μεταπολιτευτική Ελλάδα: η περίπτωση του Κέντρου Νεοελληνικών Ερευνων, Μνήμων, 38,203-226 (in Greek)
- Dimitris C. Papadopoulos, Anna-Maria Sichani, “Heritage in transition and the challenge of Digital Humanities”, Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, École française d'Athènes, 2021, DOI:
- Sichani, A.-M., Baker, J., Afanador Llach, M.J. and Walsh, B., 2019. "Diversity and inclusion in digital scholarship and pedagogy: the case of The Programming Historian", Insights, 32(1), DOI:
- Sichani AM, Kaddas P, Mikros GK, Gatos B. “OCR for Greek polytonic (multi accent) historical printed documents: Development, optimization and quality control”, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. 9-13. 08 May 2019, DATeCH2019: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage, May 2019, p. 9–13, DOI:
- James Smithies, Carina Westling , Anna-Maria Sichani, Pam Mellen, Arianna Ciula, " Managing 100 Digital Humanities Projects: Digital Scholarship & Archiving in King’s Digital Lab ", Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2019, 13:1
- Merisa Martinez, Wout Dillen, Elli Bleeker, Anna-Maria Sichani, Aodhán Kelly, “ Refining our conceptions of ‘access’ in digital scholarly editing: Reflections on a qualitative survey on inclusive design and dissemination”, Variants, 2019, DOI:
- Tim Causer, Kris Grint, Anna-Maria Sichani, and Melissa Terras,“ ‘Making such bargain’: Transcribe Bentham and the quality and cost-effectiveness of crowdsourced transcription”, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 2018 , DOI:
- “Cavafy’s web legacy: C.P. Cavafy in the public sphere of the Web 2.0”, Journal of Greek Media & Culture, Volume 1, Number 2, October 2015, pp. 321-337. DOI:
- "Ζει το λογοτεχνικό παρελθόν; Πρακτικές μνήμης γύρω από το λογοτεχνικό παρελθόν στη μακρά δεκαετία του 60", Μικρή λίστα - Βραβείο Μουλλά 2016
- "‘Read by ear’: literature and sound technologies during the Greek Long Sixties", [initially presented at International Graduate Student Conference in Modern Greek Studies, Works in Progress: New Approaches, Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies, Princeton University, 1/5/2015, publication forthcoming,
- "Ψηφιακές εκδόσεις και Νεοελληνική Φιλολογία: το μέλλον είναι εδώ" | Electronic Editions and Modern Greek Literature: the future is now", Διαβάζω, 530, 6/2012.
- “Mitsos Bilalis, Online Pasts: Image, Technology and Historical Culture in Contemporary Greece (1994-2005), 2015 (review)”, Historein, 19:1, 2020, DOI:
- "Anemoskala: corpus and concordances for major Modern Greek poets”, A review journal for digital editions and resources (RIDE), 8, 2018, DOI:
- “Kostis Kornetis, Eirini Kotsovili, and Nikolaos Papadogiannis, (eds), Consumption and Gender in Southern Europe since the Long 1960s. London: Bloomsbury. 2016 (review)”, Journal of Modern Greek Studies, 35: 2, October 2017. DOI: 10.1353/mgs.2017.0036
- "Literary drafts, genetic criticism and computational technology. The Beckett Digital Manuscript Project ", A review journal for digital editions and resources (RIDE), 5, 2017 DOI:
- “Hayden White, Λογοτεχνική θεωρία και ιστορική συγγραφή, μετάφραση Γιώργος Πινακούλας, Επιμέλεια έκδοσης - Υπεύθυνος σειράς: Βαγγέλης Γαλάνης, Τρίκαλα, εκδόσεις Επέκεινα, 2015 (review), Μνήμων, 35, 2016. DOI:
- "SonorCities. Learning Culture through City Soundscapes. An Educational Tool"(review), Journal of Modern Greek Studies, Occasional Papers 11, (2016)
- "Κωστής Κορνέτης, Τα παιδιά της δικτατορίας. Φοιτητική Αντίσταση, Πολιτισμικές Πολιτικές και η μακρά Δεκαετία του 60 στην Ελλάδα" (βιβλιοκριτική) , The Book's Journal , 67, Ιούνιος 2016.
- “Elena Pierazzo, Digital Scholarly Editing. Theories, Models and Methods” (with Elena Spadini), Digital Scholarship Humanities (2016) 31 (3): 513-516 DOI: