UKRI-AHRC Policy and Engagement Fellowship in Digital Research and Innovation Infrastructure

In January 2022 I was awarded one of the first UKRI-AHRC Policy and Engagement Fellowship in Digital Research and Innovation Infrastructure .

This role allowed me to be part of a UKRI-wide programme to enhance national digital research infrastructure for all UKRI communities, with a focus on Arts and Humanities community through the Infrastructure for Digital Innovation and Curation in Arts and Humanities programme (iDAH).

The UKRI Digital Research Infrastructure Committee plans to develop new services including a family of linked and interoperable trusted data repositories and upgraded large-scale computing provision. I worked closely with the team, under Tao-Tao Chang (Associate Director - Infrastructure & Major Programmes Arts and Humanities Research Council), to establish how existing capabilities can be enhanced to meet the needs of the whole UKRI research community, including arts and humanities work, to assist in the development of a national digital skills programme and to identify future collaborative research and development opportunities which this investment would enable.

This fellowship and its findings provided foundation for the next phases of iDAH programme. More specifically, the recommendations of my report as well as suggestions and recommendations from the AHRC- RSE report have been influenced the governance decisions as well as the infrastructural/technical choices of the programme.

Please get in touch if you need to learn more about findings of this fellowship.