Dr. Anna-Maria Sichani (Anna-Maria Chikhani | Άννα-Μαρία Σιχάνη) is a media and cultural historian and a Digital Humanist. Anna-Maria is currently a BRAID Fellow – Research Associate in Digital Humanities at Digital Humanities Research Hub, School of Advanced Study, University of London, looking at embedding responsible AI literacy skills across the cultural heritage community to empower informed, responsible and ethical use of AI and machine learning. Anna-Maria is also a Software Sustainability Institute Fellow. Previously, she has held post doctoral posistions working on the AHRC-Towards a National Collection- funded project “The Congruence Engine: Digital Tools for New Collections-Based Industrial Histories” and as a Fellow in Media History and Historical Data Modelling, at the Department of Media, Film and Music at University of Sussex and Sussex Humanities Lab, working on the AHRC-funded ‘Connected Histories of the BBC’ project. She also held a UKRI Policy and Engagement Fellowship in Digital Research and Innovation Infrastructure. Anna-Maria held also a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship as an Early Stage Researcher affiliated with the Digital Scholarly Editing Initial Training Network (DiXiT) (EU-FP7), based at Huygens ING and a PhD Research Fellowship at King’s Digital Lab. In the past she has been collaborating as an Early Career Investigator (ECI) with the COST Action “Distant Reading for European Literary History” (CA16204), with the Transcribe Bentham project and the DARIAH-GR/DYAS infrastructure .
She is currently serving at the Editorial Board of The review journal for digital editions and resources and at the Executive Committee of the European Association of Digital Humanities. She is also serving as Research Representative at the Archives and Technology Committee of the Archives and Records Association (UK & Ireland)(2021- today). She is a Trustee of the ProgHist Ltd and member of the Editorial board of The Programming Historian.
Her research interests include data-intensive research and emerging technologies in the arts, humanities, and the wider cultural heritage and information environment, information architecture, responsible and ethical research, as well as media and cultural history, cultural and social aspects of transitional media(l) changes, scholarly communication, research knowledge infrastructures and digital pedagogy. Her work has appeared in Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, Digital Humanities Quarterly, Journal of Modern Greek Media and Culture, Journal of Modern Greek Studies, The Book’s Journal. She has been collaborating with the crowdsourcing project Transcribe Bentham (UCL), the Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies (CTB-KANTL, Ghent), the digital resources of the Center of Greek Language and she was also involved within the DARIAH-GR/DYAS project. She ‘ve given presentations, ran workshops, and coordinated events in Athens, London, Cologne, Rome and the Hague. Otherwise, she is spending her time devoted to books, aerobic, long-distance running, finding the best coffee bean variety and currently exploring the floating towns of Europe.
Her PhD research (2018, University of Ioannina (Greece)), at the intersection of Literary and Cultural History and Media studies, focused on how changes on textual mediality and communication technologies informed while radicalised editorial practices and literary activities in the Modern Greek literary field during the Sixties. She studied Modern Greek Philology (BA & MPhil) at the University of Athens and Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), then followed by a MA in Digital Humanities at Univerity College London, Dept. Information Studies, with a dissertation on literary drafts and computational technologies.
For examples of writing and research, see Research; for a full record of activity, see also Projects; feel free to contact her; here a fullest, more polished and updated version of her CV.